Monday 21 April 2008

move over, Darling

I am suffused with anger about the 20p tax thingy. When they talk about the group that this affects, think Richard and me. I never thought a Labour government would target those on a low-income, so I'm shocked and extremely annoyed at the recent announcement. Could they have been more blunt?: bugger off if you are non-productive. If you don't earn enough to support the consumer nightmare we seem to live in and have the audacity NOT to have children, that's it. Why not issue the pills now? After all, that would save us from being a drain on society any further.


Louis Barfe said...

The abolition of the 10p tax rate hits me pretty hard too, but Brown and Darling should have the confidence to stick by their decisions, however misguided. Government by weathervane is rarely satisfactory.

Muffin Administrator said...

They did the right thing by backtracking because it WAS the right thing to do, plus it made them look like a set of idiots, so it was all thoroughly lovely, darling.