Monday, 7 April 2008

one mad tart in the kitchen

As Monday is now the day I assume the mantle of Dolly Duster, I was particularly interested in last night's BBC offering based on the history of advertisements for cleaning products. Now, I like a vintage advert - very useful for spotting items of decor - but am pretty scathing about the advertising industry per se. Full of Ridley Scott wannabees or frustrated wordsmiths taking themselves way too seriously and paid far too much. I hadn't heard the expression "two tarts in the kitchen" (and its even more insulting variant 2CK, which I won't spell out) before last night, but it confirms everything I think about this contemptible "profession".

Researching it today, I find that David Ogilvy is quoted as the first advertiser to stop the condescending "two tarts in the kitchen" commercials and instead use an experienced older woman, nicknamed the "battle-axe". Progress there, then.

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